Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13618
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Columbia University
Main Partner Program: Mailman School of Public Health
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $2,300,000

There are two objectives of this project; 1)To build governmental and community-based capacity to reduce HIV infections in South Africa among MSM and their partners by providing appropriate comprehensive HIV prevention services to MSM in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Northern Cape and Limpopo, and 2)To strengthen capacity of NDOH and other stakeholders to develop HIV-related strategic information systems for MARPs in South Africa. This project aligns with PEPFAR goals and the Partnership Framework in that it aims to strengthen evidence-based decision making to increase HIV prevention, and build local capacity, sustainability and country ownership. The project contributes to prevention within a subgroup at high risk in the country with the highest number of HIV-infected individuals, thus making a significant contribution to the PEPFAR prevention goal of preventing 12 million new infections by 2012. ICAP will ensure that project activities have full government ownership and buy-in, and are increasingly financed and directed by the SAG. ICAPs M&E activities incorporate new indicators, identified based on consensus with the NDOH. M&E CQI exercises include root cause analysis and participatory methods so that service delivery is adjusted based on monitoring results. Indicator reporting will be developed for project milestone and used for programmatic and financial reporting using PEPFARs Next Generation Indicators as adapted for the South African context (described in the 2010 South African Strategic Information Guidelines). As the project advances, ICAP will incrementally transfer project activities to local and community organizations ensuring that subsequent MSM projects and MARPs strategic information systems are completed and implemented by South Africans.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $800,000

In FY2012 ICAP will provide MSM appropriate services for HCT and STI screening, and increased access of MSM to post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV exposure. Innovative HCT methods such as peer outreach and social networking strategies (utilizing trained MSM peers to encourage members of their social and sexual networks to be tested); couples testing, venue-based testing and home-based testing will be conducted. Those found to be HIV-positive or screen positive for STIs will be effectively linked to appropriate clinical and support services. Social mobilization, anti-stigma campaigns and innovative technologies, such as the use of mobile phone technologies, will be employed to increase the utilization of HCT and prevention services by MSM. ICAP will provide technical assistance and capacity building to the DOH and other implementing partners on indicator selection, M&E and reporting of HCT interventions targeting MSM and other MARPs.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $1,500,000

ICAP activities in FY2013 will promote the development and implementation of comprehensive prevention packages for MSM that incorporate behavioral, biomedical, structural, and community elements through the ICAP Mosaic Men's Health Initiative approach. Behavioral interventions will be delivered through one-on-one or small-group sessions or at the community level to address mediators of risk behavior (i.e., HIV risk-related knowledge, emotional states, social influences, and service utilization, including testing and treatment for HIV/ STI, substance abuse treatment and mens health). Evidence-based behavioral risk reduction interventions aimed at behaviors and norms related to MSM risk will be tailored to the needs and resources of the project areas. Sustainable provincial and district-level systems will be strengthened to distribute condoms and water-based lubricant to MSM. To address barriers to HIV prevention services for MSM (i.e, homophobia-driven stigma and discrimination in health care settings), ICAP will support integration of MSM Peer Educators in health facilities. ICAP will establish and integrate Prevention with Positives into the package of care for MSM, and strengthen linkages for entry in care and treatment and referral systems to coordinate social, mental health, medical, and HIV prevention services for MSM. Community mobilization aimed at decreasing community stigma and discrimination and increasing awareness and demand for MSM-specific health services will be conducted. ICAP supports development of sustainable government-led mechanisms to identify and prioritize knowledge gaps about MARPs and has developed a coordinated MARP strategic information agenda at national and provincial levels, which will include data dissemination and the promotion of data use to inform MARPs programming and policy. ICAP will provide technical assistance and conduct capacity-building activities for DOH and other organizations providing prevention services for MARPs on M&E of MARPs-specific interventions and activities, and will capacitate other implementing partner and DOH to provide appropriate and non-judgmental health services to MSM, PWID and SWs through provision of sensitization training to health care workers.

Subpartners Total: $0
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $303,432
Human Resources for Health $150,000
Motor Vehicles: Purchased $153,432